“We are nearing the close of this earth's history . . . Soon your time for work will be forever past. Watch for opportunities to speak a word in season to those with whom you come in contact. Do not wait to become acquainted before you offer them the priceless treasures of truth.” (7T, 15)
Help those you come in contact with to find truth and the Author of truth! Slip a handful of Amazing Discoveries sharing cards into your pocket or bag and share them with:
- The cashier,
- The bank teller,
- The security guard,
- The person in line ahead of you,
- Your co-worker,
- Your teacher, and
- Everyone you meet!
Here’s how: 1. Pray silently, 2. Say to the person, “I’d like to share something with you.” 3. Hand the card to the person. It’s that simple!
Seven eye-catching designs with thought-provoking text invite people to learn more about Amazing Discoveries and what we have to offer. Think of the impact one small gesture can have for eternity! Let the card speak for itself. The Holy Spirit will produce the fruit.
“There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth” (Luke 15:10).
Real. Reliable. Information.
Connecting current events with Bible Prophecy.
See how the Puzzle fits together.
Who we are...
We are a Bible-based organization that believes the Bible is capable of changing lives. Our aim is to expose deception and affirm the truth.
We have thousands of resources that educate and provide answers to life’s questions. We connect current world events with Bible prophecy to help you prepare for your future.
Our extensive research covers the fields of science, health, Bible prophecy, and much more. Discover a wide range of tools and resources to help with your study of these topics!
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