Peppers - 1901: God's Answer to Modern Day Atheism | God's Answer to Modern Atheism (DVD)
Wes PeppersWhere did atheism come from? What’s the story behind the beginning of doubt and the rejection of our Lord? Wes Peppers reveals, starting in the French Revolution, milestones and important figures that brought atheism to the forefront. Recall that atheism and disbelief was predicted in the book of Revelation. Doubt and skepticism should not surprise us, but we were made aware of these times long ago. With churches being shut down and it being forbidden to worship in many countries, what is God’s answer to modern atheism?
Science and unbelievers try to destroy the veracity of the Bible. They use supposed facts and figures to lessen the divine nature of His word. Despite all these attacks in our current day, the Bible is still the top seller in the entire world. The Bible has stood the test of time and has been here for centuries, giving people hope, joy, and a deeper relationship with Christ. Discover what God tells us in His Holy Bible about the solution to these times. By going to the ultimate Comforter and Redeemer, we can discover God’s Answer to Modern Atheism.
80 minutes.
- Release Date:
- 2014
- Series Name:
- God's Answer to Modern Atheism
- Time Length:
- 80 min