Ritsema - 404: Musical Manipulation - How Satan Will Use Music to Deceive the Last Day Masses | Media on the Brain (DVD)
Scott RitsemaMaking music is a form of human expression of emotion. Conversely, listening to music evokes an emotional response within us. Studies have shown that this artform affects us neurologically and spiritually, and can influence the development of moral character. If music affects human emotion, can it also be used to control human emotion? In this fourth presentation of six, Scott Ritsema answers this question and explains how composers are like dictators, using music to powerfully influence moods, thinking, and behaviour.
Former satanists reveal that demonic spirits love to play games with Christians to produce anger, fear, and grief. Learn which sounds are associated with which emotion and how Christian music has become perverse, in its pronounced and insistent rhythms, instead of reverent.The Bible calls us to sing spiritual songs, psalms and hymns. Ritsema makes the case that some types of music become aesthetically false when sounds do not match lyrics. Does the music you listen to have an ennobling or degrading effect upon you? Find out how to tell the difference in this eye-opening presentation.