Stober - 816: Twisted Perspectives (DVD)
Henry StoberHenry Stober was living his dreams, the kind of life that some might envy. He was young, doing well financially and was happily married. He’d become a successful professional photographer doing what he loved doing - travelling and exploring. Then he met Jesus and began to see that perhaps Jesus’ dreams for him were different than his own.
He decided to put his talents to work for God. He conceived of the idea to create a video about creation and photographed scenes around the world – 10 000 images. Then thieves broke in and stole everything. With no photographs to work with and a business that kept him very busy, he had neither the time nor the resources to complete the project. He surrendered it to God, praying that His will be done.
This is Henry’s story about how God powerfully took the Creation video project into His own hands and the amazing results that followed.
51 minutes