Veith - 954: Corporate Identity (DVD)
Walter VeithWhat can the Bible teach us about our corporate identity in Christ? Typologically, as Levi and all Israel were corporately in Abraham, so all of humanity was corporately in Christ. To bring the fallen race into oneness with Divinity is the work of redemption. Having paid the price for every sin, Jesus could corporately give unfallen stature to the whole of humanity. That’s the plan of salvation. In Christ, our repentance, conversion and faith are perfect and immaculate. Corporately in Christ, humanity has paid the wages of sin as verily as Levi paid tithe in Abraham.
So what is my contribution? Nothing. My only contribution is to appropriate His gift and die to self. The world doesn’t like this kind of religion, because the world doesn’t see any beauty in the death of self. When Judas saw Jesus washing the feet of His disciples, he felt disdain. In contrast, John saw a nobility in humility that changed his heart forever. What will your response be to Christ’s call to humility?
If we dwell on our failures and defects of character, we could become discouraged. Let no one rob you of your faith. Let no one rob you of your salvation. Let no one tell you you’re not good enough, because in Christ you are perfect, absolutely immaculate.
1 hour 22 minutes