White - Counsels on Agriculture (Book)

Ellen White
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“In God’s plan for Israel every family had a home on the land, with sufficient ground for tilling. Thus were provided both the means and the incentive for a useful, industrious, and self-supporting life. And no devising of men has ever improved upon that plan. To the world’s departure from it is owing, to a large degree, the poverty and wretchedness that exist today.” (MH 183)

Are you interested in growing your own food? Have you been thinking about becoming more self-sustaining? Would you like to reap the benefits of gardening?

Whether you’re concerned about food security, becoming more independent and self-supporting, or simply want to enjoy eating higher-quality produce, you’ll find encouraging counsel, inspiration, and information in Counsels on Agriculture.

Published in 2016, this comprehensive compilation includes an almost-exhaustive collection of Ellen White’s statements about agriculture. Organized topically by chapters, quotes are dated and arranged chronologically within their subject areas and include original sources so the reader can more easily launch into deeper independent study.

This is not a how-to manual on agriculture. It is instead, a collection of inspired statements that encapsulate the principles of God’s intention for people to be gardeners. If you’re interested in learning why an agrarian lifestyle was God’s ideal for humanity and why gardening is vital to our well-being, Counsels on Agriculture can provide the information you’re looking for. Discover why gardening is an essential factor in God’s plan for the restoration of humanity.

Chapter Titles:

  • God’s Plan for Man
  • Promises for the Agriculturalist
  • A Call for Christian Farmers
  • Agriculture at Home
  • Agriculture and Our Schools
  • Agriculture and Our Health Care Institutions
  • Agriculture for Ministers and Other Gospel Workers
  • Physical Benefits of Agriculture
  • Spiritual Lessons from Agriculture
  • Agriculture in the Last Days
  • Ellen White Led by Example
  • Bibliography