Pel- 1507: Lest We Hinder the Gospel of Christ | The Shaping Factor (DVD)
Daniel PelWhat does it mean to be shaped by God? How can this be achieved? First, we need to admit our sinful and wicked nature and realize we cannot change by ourselves. It is very clear from Scripture that inside of us there is no power to do good. Our heart does not need mere modification, it needs to be totally transformed, and this can only be delivered through Jesus Christ. The shaping work of Jesus goes beyond giving up on obviously bad traits or habits. If we could only truly realize what it means that Jesus gave up all His rights so we could be saved, this would become our shaping factor. In 1 Corinthians 9:12, Paul says he is willing to give up anything, including his rights, just so others can see the Gospel more clearly. What hinders the Gospel in our lives? What are our stumbling blocks? Why do we often, through our poor choices, hinder others from clearly seeing the most important image they should ever see in their lives – the Cross of Christ? Let’s be right representatives of the Gospel to the world.